Christ in the Americas

Where does the Bible talk about the Book of Mormon and what physical evidence do we have to verify this? 

Did you know that in our day the Atlantic Ocean has been crossed from the North African continent to islands in the Caribbean in papyrus reed boats and Phoenician boat replicas?

What solid evidence is there that Christ visited various peoples in the Americas and that some of the people living in the Americas were highly advanced engineers, surgeons, astronomers and mathematicians?

What do Native Americans in North America say about Christ’s visit to them and why are the hand signs, symbols and ceremonies so sacred to these people? 

Did you know that a prominent Protestant minister and Biblical scholar has attested to the accuracy of the Tree of Life vision in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s translation?

Find out in Christ in the Americas.

You have done amazing work and given great effort in the research and pulling together material that many will not have seen in one book. Many are very interested in these types of evidence...

Paul Warner
retired BYU chaplain and religious education faculty member

As a lifelong Christian, I often felt something was missing in my faith. Some years ago I became, quite accidentally, a student of this author. He is truly an indefatigable Bible scholar and teacher with knowledge and wisdom of the Bible and of the works generated in the overlapping time period—600 B.C. to the present. Studying and learning with Mike Linford is a great pleasure with satisfying rewards. Christ in the Americas is a visually and intellectually awe-filled adventure journey. For the explorer interested and willing to develop deeper faith, I highly recommend this engaging book.

Clarice C. Roeder
MAED, Azusa Pacific University, California

I read the whole book and it was amazing! For me, it seemed like an expansion to the Book of Mormon, solidifying what I already knew with facts that couldn’t be doubted.

High school student

About Us

Michael R. Linford


Michael R. Linford holds a Ph.D. in Business Management from Ashbourne University in London for his dissertation and work in developing, commercializing, and patenting the use of convected heat for insect eradication and microbial infestations. He holds four Masters degrees from BYU and Claremont Graduate University. He was an Institute Director for twelve years and has written several books and articles over the years in his professional field.

Among numerous other callings, he was assigned to function as Regional Representative to the Spanish language saints in Orange County, Regional and Stake Executive Secretary, Bishop, District Presidency, High Councilor, Stake Mission President, and Elders Quorum President. He served his mission in the Andes South Mission from 1967 to 1970 in Bolivia, Peru, and northern Chile.